There’s a space left in today’s Scythe Workshop at Katywil. 2-4pm, $21
Shelby Howland introduced us to the ancient art of scything last month. We learned how to scythe correctly and efficiently, and the many, many reasons why this old world tool is being revived. Once you learn how to sharpen and use a scythe correctly, it is an effective tool that is easy, meditative, and pleasurable to use. You can use a scythe to mow your lawn, trim the edges of gardens and fields, mow around fruit trees and bushes, clean under electric fence lines, cut hay, reap grain, and even mow pathways in vegetable crop fields. The first two workshops filled very quickly,
There is a space left for today’s workshop, Sunday Aug 19 from 2-4pm at Katywil, $21. Come on down.
Directions (except turn right onto Stetson Brothers Rd and another immediate right onto Crosier Dr)