This is not a painting! We are so grateful to live in this beautiful spot on the planet. Thank you,… After many years of service, it was time to retire our 1996 Dodge Ram – held lovingly together well past its normal life with lots… They slid down Woodchip Mountain last week, but the snow’s gone for now so it’s just a pile of woodchips again! Before we know it… Stowe Farm is pleased to provide our neighbor, Rich, at Shoestring Farm’s 2025 order list! Order Here for Roadside Pickup In Colrain, Massachusetts at 168… David, Tes and I tapped three trees last Sunday. We kept it simple, old school – brace and bit (manual drill), metal spiles (spouts), and… House for sale, $405,000. This light-filled house was built in 2014 and, like the other homes in the Stowe Farm Community, is energy-efficient and warmed… Part of Lauren’s permaculture dream is planting chestnut trees. We planted 9 at a Stowe Farm work party. There’s nothing like getting the kite to fly. Gus was observing the big kids and taking it all in. Peter was the one who got… Join us on Sunday of Labor Day weekend, September 1st at 4pm. The last two years were harvest feasts, join us for another one! Please… The boys could have spent the whole day in this pile of rich brown earth. There was a Stowe Farm… How exciting that the first steps to build Tim and Anna’s house are underway! We can’t wait until they are… The goats and pigs do entertain each other. We move the pigs often, but on Saturday we moved them and…Magical Stowe Farm
A Beautiful Working Truck for Stowe Farm Community!
Rock climbing and Woodchip Mountain
2025 SHOESTRING FARM Plant Order List!
Stowe Farm Maple Sugaring Club’s First Tree Tapping Day (by Lauren)
One house and final building lot for sale at Stowe Farm!
Planting chestnut trees
Go fly a kite!
Harvest Party, Sunday Sept 1st!
No better entertainment than a pile of dirt!
First steps to building their house!
PigTV/GoatTV (see video)