Kaylee and Peter’s winter wonderland garden (left), transforms into a magical site in the summer (right).
Hidden camera
Michael’s hidden camera in the woods caught these guys in the wee hours.
Sprinkles everywhere!
Winter-Goat-Houses Party
October here in Western Mass is when the temperatures drop and the air is crisp suggesting the possibility of snow, unpredictable when it will strike like the whims of a precocious toddler. All of a sudden we feel an urgency to get the winter tents that provide sheltered exercise space for our goats up. We… [Read More]
Stowe Farm sunset
Thanks Lynn, for this awesome sunset.
Busy bees
Monique and Jenny were busy making ‘glue’ while rest of their families were painting and finishing the house.
Unicorns, fairy, black widow spider, oh my
Fat unicorn humans (to stay warm), unicorn-goats, a fairy, and a black widow spider head off to Shelburne Falls for Halloween.
Moving day
There were many helpers for the Hadleys final move to Katywil!
Monique’s monarch
Kaylee captured this monarch butterfly on Monique
Charles’ homemade sour cherry pie
Charles made a homemade sour cherry pie for Katywil potluck with cherries from his tree. It was delicious and disappeared in a flash!