Liam Turkle and Cassidy Fry organized two days for farmers and designers to work together developing new tools and ideas. Read more…
This Farm Hack weekend will bring farmers and designers to work side by side at Rhode Island School of Design (RISD). The first day they will visit some local farms to frame problems and opportunities. Then they will have a design charrette to share skills and ideas.
It sure seems like creativity is what’s going to pull us through some of these new and increasingly difficult challenges that farmers are facing. Farmers are always coming up with use-what-you-have, on-the-field inventions. So imagine what farmers and artists can come up with!
The weekend is intended to serve as the beginnings of future collaborations within the local Providence community and will continue online with other Farm Hack participants nation-wide.
Liam will be coming on March 17 to discuss design at Katywil. We are also eager to hear about the Farm Hack weekend in Providence. Hopefully he’ll bring back photos and tell us about the new and innovative ideas.
Farm Hack is part of a larger coalition, National Young Farmers’ Coalition