Rescheduled to Saturday, March 9, 2pm at Katywil, Walker Korby’s chainsaw safety and maintenance workshop cont…
As storm damage and heating with firewood becomes more and more prevalent, chainsaws are becoming an essential tool for more homeowners. This class is an in depth hands-on look at how a saw works, and the skills entailed in maintaining and properly operating a saw. Students will learn and demonstrate safe starting techniques, body positioning, and properly using the top and bottom of the bar for cutting wood that is not under any tension. Students may bring their own saw and safety equipment for inspection and instruction. Walker’s “no such thing as a dumb question” style of teaching, and enthusiastic passion for this powerful tool makes an engaging class for both beginners and experienced sawyers.
Class is held at Katywil, 2-4pm, Walker will be available until 5pm for more detailed info and questions. Tuition: sliding scale $30-50
Space is limited, please email [email protected] to reserve a space.