Part of Lauren’s permaculture dream is planting chestnut trees. We planted 9 at a Stowe Farm work party.
Permaculture Plan for Stowe Farm’s Solar Field.
Ecosystem revitalization & Land Management in Stowe Farm’s Solar Field. Two years ago one of our Stowe Farm members developed a multi-year plan for our “solar” field, a 33 acre parcel of field and woods bordered by Vincent brook and sloping up to Kennedy Ridge from Adamsville Road. Special thanks to Jonathan for all of… [Read More]
Many hands work party!
We are growing, and what a difference more helping hands made last weekend. On a stunning November Sunday Stowe Farm Community members came together to plant over 120 new raspberry plants that needed thinning from a neighbor’s garden. With Jonathan leading the way with the rototiller, we planted them in a curve that follows the… [Read More]
Multi-year plan for Stowe Farm Community Solar Field
This summer we started developing a multi-year land management plan for our solar field on the North side of Adamsville Rd. The plan is inspired in part by: recommendations in Mass Audubon Society’s Best Management Practices for Nesting Grassland Birds; by the ecological vision and theory for temperate climate permaculture set out by Jacke and… [Read More]
Building a terraced garden
We have a steep slope on the South side of our house which has been a stand of tall grass and weeds for years. It is difficult to mow and the water sheets down the slope in a rainstorm causing erosion and loss of soil nutrients. This year we found a solution… log dam terraces!… [Read More]
Grafting different apple varieties by joining root and branch create an apple tree at Stowe Farm Community
Co-farming makes work lighter and fun
Thank you Kaylee, Ed, and Emma for organizing our work parties. more pics…
No-till event was excellent and of course great food!
Inspired by the presentation on no-till farming led by Heifer International’s Liz Joseph, Katywil got to work! More…
Come to No Till Presentation on Sunday
Liz Joseph from Heifer Int coming to Katywil on Sunday at 2pm to speak on No Till Growing More info…
NOFA Summer Conference this weekend
NOFA Summer Conference at UMass Amherst campus. Awesome workshops for adults & kids all day Saturday and Sunday. Visit us at our table.