Living in a cohousing community creates many spontaneous connections. Just walking out the door to get the mail, I ran into most of our community experiencing the snow in one way or the other. This is who I saw in 14 seconds!
*from “The Amish use tech differently than you think. We should emulate them.” by By Jeff Smith, The Washington Post, Feb. 17, 2020 It can often feel as if modern life does little to encourage healthy connections between people. The logistics of making a living and meeting core family needs combined with dispersion of extended families… [Read More]
Double rainbow at Stowe Farm Community
The aMAIZEing world of corn!
I grew up in New Mexico and one of the many things I miss is the spicy, traditional food. In October in New Mexico you can smell the wonderful aroma of green chiles being roasted in the open air. And on feast days, the Navajo pueblos and in many households throughout New Mexico you will… [Read More]
Delicious maple cornbread
Katie makes this from memory almost every week. She originally adapted this recipe from Susan Purdy. It’s either the maple that makes it so addictive, or that she uses her own cornmeal. 1/4 cup butter, melted (a half stick) 1 egg, lightly beaten 3/4 cup milk (or yoghurt, I like mixing the two) 1/2 cup… [Read More]
Winter dip at Stowe Farm
It was a March 25 snowfall, but the resourceful ducks found a swimming hole.
The Peace of Wild Things
When despair for the world grows in me And I wake in the night at the least sound In fear of what my life and my children’s lives may be, I go and lie down where the wood drake Rests in his beauty on the water, and the great heron feeds. I come into the… [Read More]
Warm Valentines Day to all!
Ed and Emma’s garden in the winter.
Colrain hits the big time in 2020 – high speed internet!!
We’re all still pinching ourselves that it’s actually happening! This sign just went up in town where the communications hut will go. Thanks to the Colrain Broadband Advisory Committee for their tireless efforts. To receive notices of meetings subscribe here.
Our Wellsummer chicken is laying beautiful deep brown speckled eggs
She took her sweet time (and she is sweet), but our Wellsummer is now laying beautiful eggs. The speckles come off if you wash them, same with the blue eggs. Curious!
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