Photo history of the physical and community building of our earthen oven. Click here to see many photos…
1st 7 photos are physically building the oven. The last 10 are from parties – community building!
What is it that makes Katywil Farm Community Pizza Parties so warm and fun? Maybe it is the inter-generational community playing together. Possibly could be the love that goes into making the delicious locally grown and brewed food and drink. Or it could be the clean country air, but probably it’s the cob oven that the community lovingly built together. Firing it up, making pizzas together, enticing aromas wafting into the air, and the warm glow of the fire gathers everyone around it.
Here are some photos building our oven. First Haynes and Justin, mason and brewer of Stoneman Brewery led a workshop building the stone foundation. Then Ashley Schenk, of Broadfork Permaculture, led the building of the oven. Next, artisan, Ryan Chivers, led a workshop protecting the oven by making and applying a natural plaster.
The last and most intensive workshop was led by timber frame craftsman, Jeremy Topitzer, of Lyonsville Carpenters. Covered with its natural plaster and a beautiful timber frame structure, this simple oven of clay and straw will last many years and many happy parties!