Liam will be back on May 4 to continue our conversation about community spaces, focusing on ideas for our Common House. If you are considering living at Katywil, and want to be part of this process, contact [email protected].
Here is Liam and Cassidy’s presentation at Katywil on March 17, 2012. We asked them to help us with design guidelines for new families who want to design their own homes. They ended up focusing not so much on the private houses, but more on the importance of community spaces and structures, like our common house, barn, play areas, paths, etc. We are taking this new direction very seriously and focusing on community spaces, starting with the Common House.
If you’re considering living at Katywil and want to join us for this discussion, please contact [email protected]. Let us know if you want to come to the discussion, work party and/or potluck dinner, and we will get back to you with details.