ForTheBirds The birds love Lynn in the winter!
Inspiration for 2022!
We asked folks here at Stowe Farm to send inspiration for 2022, and here’s what we got:
Many hands work party!
We are growing, and what a difference more helping hands made last weekend. On a stunning November Sunday Stowe Farm Community members came together to plant over 120 new raspberry plants that needed thinning from a neighbor’s garden. With Jonathan leading the way with the rototiller, we planted them in a curve that follows the… [Read More]
Autumn bonfire
Stowe Farm Fair Weather Friday Happy Hours are still fair weather, but getting cold and dark. Nothing that a bonfire can’t fix!
Cider pressing at Peter and Kaylee’s
Thank you, Peter and Kaylee, for a beautiful day of cider pressing, delicious apple cake, and for delivering fresh apple cider to each of our doorsteps at Stowe Farm! The ducks enjoyed the day too. They were flattered that the bird dog pointed and never took her eyes off of them!
Multi-year plan for Stowe Farm Community Solar Field
This summer we started developing a multi-year land management plan for our solar field on the North side of Adamsville Rd. The plan is inspired in part by: recommendations in Mass Audubon Society’s Best Management Practices for Nesting Grassland Birds; by the ecological vision and theory for temperate climate permaculture set out by Jacke and… [Read More]
Cat & the Hats at Stowe Farm
Thursday was a beautiful and lazy afternoon, enjoying the last days of summer.
Badminton is alive and well at Stowe Farm
The badminton net has gotten lots of use this year. With all of the rain, it’s makes us appreciate the beautiful sunny days in between the raindrops, and the Fridays that we get to have Stowe Farm Fair-weather Friday Happy Hours!
BCS refresher
Quick intro/refresher about how to operate our walk-behind BCS tractor, a powerful machine that can operate many different attachments. Filling our BCS flail brush mower with gas ready for mowing pathways in one of our fields
Welcoming our CA and Cambridge families!
Lots of dancing and celebrating the arrival of Stowe Farm’s new families! Good timing because all of the adults are vaccinated, and we also celebrated our first indoor, sharing food event since the pandemic. First swim in the river!