Mikayla will be adopting Charlotte and Starlight. More photos to come…
Birth announcement!
Beautiful Baby Maggie with Baby Goat (taken by Michael Shuipis). See Hadley pics of the 7 dolings: photos
Chickens arrived, goats are unimpressed
More pics…
All four goats are expecting, soon!
Judy and Karen washed all the mamas and cleaned their house, all ready for the kids! See Honey
April fools!
Who knew that Little Bear was ready to be a papa! Daly had three bucklings, Rosie had a boy and a girl, and Lily is expecting too!
Buttercup's new coat
Judy made Buttercup a coat from Kaylee’s castoff blankets for her first New England winter. The other hardy goats are transitioning smoothly from CA
Goat Girls' lovely château
Les petite chèvre-filles have a lovely home for the winter. Like the turkey tractor, it is mobile. photo…
Goat boys are here!
Introducing Felix and Oscar More…
Goat house almost ready
Time to paint and get the goats into this great portable home. Like the turkey house, this is built on a trailer. more photos…
Goats meet Turkeys meet Goats
Paul moved the goats across the road from the turkeys yesterday. Pretty funny dialogue: Ba-a-a ba-a-a. Gobble gobble gobble. Ba-a-a ba-a-a-a. Gobble Gobble Gobble. see goat side…