Transition at Stowe Farm brings out all of our emotions – sad to say farewell to our dear longtime neighbors, and exhilarating to meet so many wonderful new neighbors. We look forward to folding in their visions and energy.
We are so pleased that Tes and Sarah are officially living at Stowe Farm. They moved into their beautiful new home a few weeks ago and are busy unpacking, putting up shelves, planting perennials and enjoying their new view over the valley.
Lauren and David bought our next-to-last lot this spring and are in the initial stages of moving to Stowe Farm. So far, they’ve enjoyed working in the community garden and helping with tractor maintenance while beginning to clear their lot using the community walk-behind brush hog (“the beast”). They recently completed a tent platform so they can camp comfortably as they make preparations to build their home.
Our newest members Jamie and Dale will be moving into Ed and Emma’s house this week. They’ve been searching for an intentional community for a while and are looking forward to joining Stowe Farm!