David, Tes and I tapped three trees last Sunday. We kept it simple, old school – brace and bit (manual drill), metal spiles (spouts), and nice old maple sap buckets with “hats” cut from sheet metal. We used snowshoes to get to the trees since there was deep and crusty snow.
It was barely sunny and at the end (maybe) of a real winter like we haven’t seen in years; this was the first or second day that went above 32 degrees. The wood shavings in the drill bit were wet as we got into the sapwood. Sap was running! Once we hammered the spiles in (ever so gently) the drips of sweet sap started coming. What a gift.
For a taste of sweet sap, go to the tree on mine and David’s lot and take the lid off (slide it back). Cup your palm and hold it under the spile in the daytime when it’s dripping. Catch at least 3 drops before you taste so you get the sweetness!
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