“We’re getting closer by the Day!”
Another milestone was completed when the Massachusetts Broadband Institute (MBI) had their fiber routed and connected to our communications hut. MBI is the state organization that brings the middle-mile broadband connection to Colrain.
In a few weeks our construction company will begin installing the last-mile fiber throughout Colrain according to the network design. Keep your eyes out for the SERTEX trucks! Here’s a meditation from a neighbor in Leyden, who are slightly ahead of us in this process:
“A flock of bucket trucks has arrived in our town, their long crane necks folded into their bodies at night as they rest by the grasses of Avery field. They are connecting us. We are far flung and remote, long in view and removed into the land. Our roads climb and wind, are paved with painted lines or are dirt and narrow where our Subarus hug and even scale the bank to pass the parked trucks that hold this army of workers…
Citizens, let us be thankful as they work to tie us into the mysterious world of electronic knowledge and information, which world, ever expanding , would otherwise pass us by.”
adapted from “Certex Rescue” by Lisa Limont
The town is now working with our internet provider WhipCity Fiber (part of Westfield Gas & Electric) to prepare the new Colrain Broadband website on which residents will sign up for service. We anticipate the website being open as early as September.
Stay tuned! More information here.